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Life Coaching
Infusing Passion into every aspect of your life...
Which relationship is calling to you for attention?
Significant other? Family? Adult Children? Friends?
Or is it the relationship with your Authentic Self?
Let me help you to learn how to infuse passion into all areas of your life.
Listen to that still, small voice that whispers your soul's desire.
Learn to live authentically, from your heart.
​See the beauty in all that surrounds you.
Be fully present in every moment.
Connect to your heart & soul.
Speak your truth.
Let me teach you how to to have those difficult conversations with grace and dignity
so that you can set yourself free to find true unconditional love and acceptance
for who you truly are at your core.
What Clients Say...
Jamie D knows life not just intellectually -but she understands it from living it through its trials, tribulations and hell! Her compassion can only be called contagious.
She will gently guide you to see the truth-just for you!
~ Karen T.
Make a commitment that will forever change your life ~
Intro coaching session prior to committing to a package $150 ~
Coaching packages are custom designed to help you achieve both
short-term and longer-term goals.
1 Year coaching package includes 4 session hours per month ~$6000
9 Month coaching package includes 4 session hours per month ~ $4000
6 Month coaching package includes 4 session hours per month ~$3000
Online Sessions available via ZoomMeetings
Ready to dive into the deep end and live your Passionate Life NOW?
Seminars & Workshops ~ for info about upcoming workshops!

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