Marriage Enrichment
When life circumstances change, our relationships do as well. Whether that means learning to reconnect on an intimate level after having a new baby, or rediscovering each other after that baby has grown their wings and you find yourself in an empty nest. Many other life incidences can impact our most precious of relationships... learn more about how to reinfuse yours with the passion you once both cherished.
As a certified counselor, allow me to create a customized assessment just for you... PREPARE/ENRICH is an assessment completed online that identifies a couple's strength and growth areas. It is one of the most widely used programs for premarital counseling and premarital education. It is also used for marriage counseling, marriage enrichment, and dating couples considering engagement. Based on a couple's assessment results, I will provide up to 8 feedback sessions to help guide you through the process of a deeper level of understanding ALL of the dynamics at work in your relationship, giving you the tools to greater compassion, love, and communication in every area of your lives together.
* Over the last 30 years, the PREPARE/ENRICH relationship assessment has empowered and energized more than 3 million couples. We're the #1 relationship inventory and couples assessment tool.

What are the major goals of the PREPARE/ENRICH Program?
There are several goals of the P/E Program. In order to achieve these goals there are exercises designed to help couples improve their relationship skills. The program helps couples:
• Explore strength and growth areas
• Strengthen communication skills
• Identify and manage major stressors
• Resolve conflict using the Ten Step Model
• Develop a more balanced relationship
• Explore family of origin issues
• Discuss financial planning and budgeting
• Establish personal, couple and family goals
• Understand and appreciate personality differences
What relationship areas are assessed by the P/E assessment?
• 12 Relationship Scales ~ communication, conflict resolution, roles,
sexuality, finances, spiritual beliefs and more
• 5 SCOPE Personality Scales
• 4 Couple and Family Scales ~ based on the Circumplex Model
• 4 Relationship Dynamic Scales
• 30 Customized Scales
Is the PREPARE/ENRICH Program valid & reliable?
An important strength of the P/E assessment is their strong psychometric properties. High levels of reliability and validity have been found for each instrument, making them valuable tools for research as well as clinical use.
• National Norms based on over 500,000 couples
• High Levels of Validity and Reliability
PREPARE has validity in that it discriminates premarital couples that get divorced from those that are happily married with about 80-85% accuracy. Reliability is high (alpha reliability of .80 - .85).​
Relationship enrichment counseling is all about interpersonal dynamics
- how we relate to others and to ourselves.
Are we communicating what we really need... what we feel...
what we want... do we know how to make our message clear?
Or are we too caught up in protecting others and ourselves from what we fear?
Through this educational journey we learn how to tap into our true needs, wants and desires, and we learn how to differentiate between them.
In Relationship Enrichment, we bring our full intensity and passion to to forefront so that we can share ALL of ourselves with those we love.
Counseling prices ~ $195 for the basic ENRICH assessment
~ includes an analysis review session
Basic ENRICH Package ~ $795 for the assessment & 6 sessions ~
the 6 sessions cover all of the program's basic areas of analysis
- also includes the review session
Intensive ENRICH Package ~ $995 for the assessment & 10 sessions ~
this package includes an intensive review of ALL of the 12 areas of analysis
Individual Counseling Sessions are available at $150/hour ~

For more information, or to schedule your consultation...